Welcome to Bradgate Boutique
I’m Nina, owner of Bradgate Boutique. The idea was born during the first lockdown of March 2020 when we didn’t go out, only to exercise, and walking around our beautiful village I thought I needed to create something lovely for people’s homes. Quality products at affordable prices!
My garage has turned into the stockroom and the lovely Boutique; we welcome visits to view all products by appointment only. You can contact me via website, Instagram, Facebook, and mobile phone. We have new products delivered seasonally all hand picked by myself at various trade fairs where I try and find the best and different items to bring to you our customer.
I am a regular to the local post office with sometimes huge amounts to post on a daily basis. Hubby Mike has been instrumental in getting the website up and running so that my lovely products are easier to see and choose from. It has been a joint enterprise!
You will often find me at local events and gift fairs, please do come along. I endeavour to post where I will be for the month ahead!
I like how the business is progressing and I strive to keep a personal touch to everyone of our customers new and old.
Thanks so much for your continued support going into 2023 x
Love Nina x